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What we got up to

A first of its kind project designed to increase biodiversity and cultivate a greener environment for the local community, this summer we’re installing 90 ‘Beeline boxes’ on Three-Fields Estate, Camden.

In partnership with Think & Do and Camden Council, the galvanised metal boxes have been designed in collaboration with Adam Thorpe, Professor of Socially Responsive Design at Central St Martins UAL, and his students, to facilitate a new ‘vertical planting’ system in places where access to green space is limited. We’re responding directly to enthusiasm from the residents to brighten and improve the estate for their collective wellbeing.

Securely mounted and fastened to railings on public walkways, each of the boxes is filled with evergreen herbs (chosen with the residents) and we’re expanding our network of KOKO Foresters, by appointing three 16-25 year olds from the estate, who will be trained and paid to tend to the boxes.

An opportunity to inspire, educate and encourage the community to become custodians of our environment, we’re excited to see the beeline boxes flourish, with the potential to expand the project to further estates.  

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